Prijs is binnen! 08-01-2025
Knappe Mary
Kerstshow Gorinchem! 07-12-2024
We ended our show year with a Big Bang! Kerstshow Gorinchem. Tyr of Treacka’s Garden, aka Tok, open class male, 1 EXC, res CAC res CACIB. Mae Mary v.d. Tortelduif, youth class female, 1 EXC, best Youth. Upbeat Chloë v.d. Tortelduif, Champion class female, 1 EXC, best female, BOB CAC CACIB. Chloë finished the day …
Show Kortrijk 17-11-2024
As they say, the show must go on, so while i was otherwise occupied, Clemens, Daniëlle en Renate went to Kortrijk last sunday. Mae Mobley, youth class female, 2 VG. Annie, working class female, 1 EXC, res CAC CACIB. judge Mr. Norman Deschuymere. Thank you my dear Renate, you did a great job handling the …
Nice results at IDS Bleiswijk! 02-11-2024
Mae Mobley youthclass female, 1 EXC, she completed her Dutch youth championship today, pending confirmation! Thinking of Annie, working class female, 1 EXC. Judge Mr. Thomas Hehir (Ireland). Thank you for your kind judging. Daniëlle and Claudia, thanks for all your help, love you guys! Noah, thx for handling Mobley for best female! Lovely pic’s …
33ste Lovanium Trofee Leuven! 26-10-2024
Really pleased with our reults at the 33ste Lovanium Trofee Leuven! Mae Mobley, youth class female 2 EXC. (clas of 6). Upbeat Chloë, champion class female, 1 EXC, CAC CACIB. Judge Gyorgy Tesics, Thank you for thinking so highly of Mae Mobley and Chloë. beautiful pic’s by Clemens and Jos!
Hondenshow Maastricht 28 en 29-09-2024
51th int. dogshow maastricht Mae Mary youthclass female, 1 EXC, FCI CACIB -J , Best youth. Chloë, champion class female, 1 EXC, Best female, BOS, CAC CACIB. Judge Dagmar Klein (ro). Thank you for thinking so highly of Mary and Chloë! 52th int dogshow Maastricht. Mae Mobley, youthclass female, 1 EXC, FCI CACIB-J, Best youth. …
IWCB jeugd en veteranendag, in Lokeren 22-09-2024 part 2
Nevel, veteran class female, 3 VG, oldest veteran. Mae Mary, youth class female, 9-12 months, 2 EXC. Mae Mobley, youth class female 9-12 months 3 EXC Annabel Mae, youth class female 9-12 months 4 VG The 3 girls together made Best Litter! Ian v.d. Tortelduif x Annie v.d. Tortelduif. RamblingLucy, senior class female 6-8 years, …
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IWCB jeugd en veteranendag, in Lokeren 22-09-2024 part 1
Such a lovely special day! IWCB youth and veteranday, in Lokeren. Lucy Best Senior, Best Female BOB BIS! Judge Mw. Irmgard de Haan-Levie, thank you for thinking so highly of our hounds! So many lovely results, be prepared for lots of pic’s the coming days!
Dogshow Zwolle 16-9-2024
Mae Mary youthclass female, 1 exc. Chloë, champion class female, 1 EXC, res CAC. Judge, mw R.v.d. Veen Keur. No pics from the showground, because dad was at home, but we all liked this moment!
The Dog Show Handling Club, 21-7-2024
Sunday 21 juli we had a lovely day at the Dog Show Handling Club, and joined the yearly handling contest. Jos showed Ranomi, Alma showed Mae Mobley and I had a a great time with Lucy. Very proud of all, and Lucy and I became runner up. It was a great day, fun was had …
Brabants rashonden festival in Kaatsheuvel, 14-7-2024
A nice day at Brabants rashonden festival in Kaatsheuvel. Mobley Best Puppy, Huckje res best male. Chloë best female, BOS. Judge mw I. Hectors (b). We had lots of help from our friends, Renate, and Noah, love you guys! Cherry on the cake was helping my dear friend Renate in the ring, really proud of …
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CAC Hoogeveen, de Turftrofee, 8-7-2024
Lovely results yesterday at the CAC Hoogeveen, de Turftrofee. Mae Mary Best Puppy Huck, best Male BOS. Moira Best Female BOB Lisa Dior, well done again! Daniëlle, thx for doggysitting, and Eddy thanks for helping, and big congrats again on your great win!
De Utrecht show, 1-7-2024
like I said, busy weekend! Lisa, Alma and Clemens went to De Utrecht show. Mae Mobley won Best Puppy. Chloë res CAC, and beautiful Lucy was BOB! Lucy was shortlisted in Group. Breed Judge Regina Tromp Pruyn, thank you for your kind and gentle judging, and for thinking so highly of our girls. Group judge, …
Windsor Champion Dogshow 2024, 1-7-2024
Windsor Champion Dogshow 2024. We had a beautiful day, so nice to meet friends, and show our girls at this wonderful show, i enjoyed every minute, as did our whole little team. Mae Mary won Best Puppy in Breed! Moira won 5th VHC in open Bitch! Judge Mrs J. Dawson, thank you for thinking so …
KCM Clubmatch Ierdie in Lelystad, 16-6-2024
We had a very special day at the KCM Clubmatch Ierdie in Lelystad yesterday! We love Mae mary v.d. Tortelduif, puppyclass female, 1 VP, Best puppy. We love Mae Mobley v.d. Tortelduif, puppyclass female 3 VP. RamblingLucy v.d. Tortelduif, Breedersclass female, 2 EXC. Upbeat Moira v.d. Tortelduif, Championclass female, 1 EXC, Best female, BOB!!! Upbeat …