The Winner Show, 26-11-2023

Another trip to Friesland,today for the Winnershow. And again,I am super grateful for having such a lovely team!
RunningJacob vd Tortelduif, Championclass male 2 EXC, res CAC CACIB.
Very Cute Clementine v.d. Tortelduif, Intermediair class female, 1 EXC.
Upbeat Moira v.d. Tortelduif, Championclass female, 1 EXC, res CAC CACIB.

judge: Mr. J. Doval Sanchez (ES), thank you for thinking so highly of our hounds.


Fryslan Cup 24-11-2023

We are so blessed, having our team, our family, teamwork again, the show must go on….. Excellent results at the Fryslan cup today!
TrojanHuckleberry v.d Tortelduif,Championclass male, 1 EXC, CAC CACIB, BOS.
Upbeat Chloë v.d. Tortelduif, Open class female, 1 EXC, CAC CACIB,BOB.
Royal Meghann v.d. Tortelduif, Championclass female 1 EXC, res CAC, CACIB.
Chloë was shortlisted with the best 6 in group 10, so proud of our sensitive girl, who takes nothing for granted, a brilliant handling by, of course Anouck van Ooijen.
Breed judge, Rob Bouma (NL), thank you for thinking so highly of our hounds! Group judge Fabrizzio la Rocca (IT) thank you for thinking so highly of Chloë.
thanks to our lovely team, our extended family, Anouck van Ooijen Claudia Oudenaarden Daniëlle van Ee-Muijen and Noah Hagenaar for a job so well done.


Dogshow Geneve! 18-11-2023


Geneva dogshow nr 2.


Ramblinglucy vd Tortelduif 2e in group 10!
Super gedaan Anouck van Ooijen !
Teamwork Daniëlle van Ee-Muijen Claudia Oudenaarden Truus Muijen-van Grootel

Judge mr Yvo Beccarelli thank you for thinking so highly of our Lucy!

So proud!
Lucy 3th in group 10.Dogshow Geneva 3. What a weekend the girls had!
Judge Diane Stewart Ritchie, thank you for thinking so highly of Lucy! So proud of Anouck van Ooijen , and our team Daniëlle van Ee-Muijen , Claudia Oudenaarden , Truus Muijen-van Grootel.

The girls and hounds are safely back home, after a fantastic weekend at Exposition Canine Internationale Geneve.
4 dogshows in 3 days.
Very happy and proud of hounds and team alike, and of course over the moon with our results!
4 x BOB, 3x BOS, and a second, and a third placement in group!
and on top of it all, 3 Show champions, and 1 Beauty Champion.
Thank you to all judges for thinking so highly of our hounds: Mrs M. Melchior (lu), Mr R. Kotlar (hu), Mrs D. Stewart-Ritchie (ie), and MrJ. Partanen (no).
Perfect handling by Anouck van Ooijen, so proud of you.
And thank you from the bottom of our hearts to our team: Anouck van Ooijen, Claudia Oudenaarden, Daniëlle van Ee-Muijen, Truus Muijen-van Grootel Teamwork makes the dream work!