Upbeat Chloë van de Tortelduif

Upbeat Chloë van de Tortelduif
Naam: Chloë 

Upbeat Chloë van de Tortelduif

Chloë en Moira, al weer hele flinke dames, van nu 18 maanden. Moira is de rustige, en Chloë de dondersteen. Samen met Clem, hun jongste nichtje spelen ze veel, en pas maar op als dat los door het land rent bij ons, ze lopen je zo onderste boven. Beide dames hebben hun eerste buitenlandse reisjes al gemaakt, en dan blijkt dat ze al heel flink zijn, en zich prima gedragen in den vreemde.

Ranomi van de Tortelduif    X     Dacapo van de Oelmuhle

Geboren: 24-03-2021





Lokeren, Junior & Veteran day IWCB, 12-9-2021, Mw. L. de Ridder-Onghena, minor puppy teven, 3-6 mnd, P

29th Int. Dogshow Bleiswijk, 6-11-2021, Mr. Graham Hill (UK), Puppyclass female, 1 VP, best Puppy


CAC Show Wieze, 04-12-2021, Mr. Jussi Liimatainen (fi), puppyclass female, 1 VP, Best Puppy in Breed, BEST PUPPY IN SHOW!!!!!


Dogshow Eindhoven, 5-2-2022,Mw M. Melchior (lux), youthclass female 1 EXC

KV Rijnland, Bleiswijk, Mr. A. v.d. broek, youthclass female 2 EXC

56e internationale rashondententoonstelling Antwerpen, 9-4-2022, Mrs M. Vermeire (BE), youthclass female 1 EXC, youth BOS.

51e Flanders Dogshow Gent, 8-5-2022, Mrs Lotte Jorgensen (DK), youthclass female, 2 EXC

52e Internationale Rassehunde Ausstellung Lingen 2022, 14-5-2022, M. Wibier, youthclass female 1 EXC, VDH CAC

Club Championship Show IWCB, 28-05-2022, Mrs Csilla Juhasz (HV), Youth Class Female, VG

Holland Cup KC Arnhem, 4-6-2022, hr. W. Wiersma,  youth class female, 1 EXC, YouthBOB, res CAC

Outdoor Summer Show Utrecht, 2-7-2022, Mrs. Gail Patterson (IRL), youthclass female, 1 EXC. Res CAC! Chloë finished her Youth Championship today!

Bornholm int CACIB show,12-8-2022, Mr. B. Scheerens, youth class female, 1 EXC, best junior

Bornholm Jubileum Nordisk Show,
13-8-2022, Mr. Klaus Strack, youthclass female, 3 EXC

Bornholm int CACIB Show,
 14-8-2022, Mr. Shaun Watson, Youthclass female, 4 VG

Junior and Veteran Day IWCB Lokeren, 11-9-2022, Mr. A v.d. Broek (NL), 1 EXC, BOS!!!

Bleiswijk 31th Dogshow, 5-11-2022, Mr. Mark Cocozza (UK), intermediair class female, 1 VG (miss puberty ? )


Martini Dogshow Groningen,  5-3-2023, Mw. Iren Naaritz (EST), Intermediair class female, 1EXC, CAC CACIB BOB. Very pleased she was selected in the main ring!

Crufts 2023,  12-3-2023, Mrs D. Tebbut, Yearling Bitch, 5th VHC (8 entries)

47e Schaal der Kempen, 20-3-2023, Mr. Rade Vesic (serbia), intermediair class female, 1 EXC

Outdoor Zeeland, 9-4-2023, Marijn van Iersel, open class female 1 EXC, BOB, CAC

International Dog Show Oss, 29-4-2023, R. vd Veen-Keur, open class female, 2 EXC


53e Flanders Dog Show Gent, 6-5-2023, Mr. E. Patterson (ie), open class female, 1 EXC, Best female, BOS, CAC CACIB

Windsor, 3-7-2023, Mr. A. Lefley,  1th in PGB

Windhonden CAC/Sighthoundshow Arnhem, 21-8-2023, Mrs. K. Sneath (AU), open class female, 2 EXC.

Dogshow Zwolle, 9-9-2023, Mrs Tanya Ahlman/Stockmari (FI), open class female 3 EXC

50th Dogshow Maastricht, 17-9-2023, Mrs W. Marijnissen, Open class female, 1 EXC, BOS CAC CACIB

32th int. Dogshow Bleiswijk, 22-10-2023, Mr. W. Buitenkamp, Championclass female, 1 EXC


Crufts 2024, 12-3-2024

International Dogshow KV Rijnland, 16-4-2024, Mr. G. Jipping, Champion Class Female, 1 EXC, Best Female, BOS CAC CACIB, Rijnland Grand Star 2024.

Clubmatch IWC of Belgium, 9-5-2024, Caroline Leopard, Breeder class female, 1 EXC.

Pinkstershow Gorinchem,
20-5-2024, Belkis Ozan, Championclass female 2 EXC, res CAC CACIB.

Dogshow Eindhoven
, 9-6-2024, Mr. Andre v.d. Broek, Championclass female, 1 EXC, BOB, CAC.

KCM Clubmatch Ierdie in Lelystad, 16-6-2024, M. Bjorn Fritz, Championclass female, 2 EXC

De Utrecht show, 1-7-2024, R. Tromp Pruyn, res CAC

Brabants rashonden festival in Kaatsheuvel, 14-7-2024, mw. L. Hectors (B), best female, BOS

Dogshow Zwolle, 16-9-2024, mw R.v.d. Veen Keur, champion class female, 1 EXC, res CAC.

Hondenshow Maastricht, 28 en 29-09-2024, Dagmar Klein (ro), champion class female, 1 EXC, Best female, BOS, CAC CACIB.

 33ste Lovanium Trofee Leuven, 26-10-2024, Gyorgy Tesics, champion class female, 1 EXC, CAC CACIB.

Kerstshow Gorinchem, 07-12-2024, mr. J. Coppens, Champion class female, 1 EXC, best female, BOB CAC CACIB. Chloë finished the day in style, with a 3th place in group 10!!!