Dogshow Zwolle, 9-9-2023

Very happy with our results at Dogshow Zwolle.

Uptempo Benjamin v.d. Tortelduif, open class male, 1 EXC, BOB CAC.


Very Cute Clementine v.d. Tortelduif, intermediair class female, 1 EXC, BOS CAC.


Upbeat Moira v.d. Tortelduif, open class female 1 EXC, res CAC


Upbeat Chloè v.d. Tortelduif, open class female 3 EXC.


judge: Mrs Tanya Ahlman/Stockmari (FI) thank you for thinking so highly of our young hounds!
Perfect handling as always Anouck van Ooijen and Lisa Dior,
thank you Simone Kuiper for taking the lolvey pics!

Birmingham Champion Dog Show 2-9-2023

We are so blessed having the best team ever. While we were occupied with other things, Anouck and Claudia went to the UK, to City of Birmingham, Champion dog show. And with some lovely results…

Uptempo Benjamin v.d. Tortelduif, PGD 2th

RunningJacob v.d. Tortelduif, OD 2th

RoyalMeghann v.d. Tortelduif, OB 2th

Judge: Mr. G. Robertson, thank you for your kind judging, and thinking so highly of our hounds.
thnak you again Anouck van Ooijen and Claudia Oudenaarden, you guys are the best! And thank you my dear friend Barbora Barrassy for keeping me updated, and the lovely video’s!

Windhonden CAC/Sighthoundshow 21-8-2023

We had a very lovely day at the Windhonden CAC/Sighthoundshow in Arnhem!

Uptempo Benjamin v.d. Tortelduif, open class male, 1 EXC.


Galeifs Return of Shengail, Champion class male, 2 EXC, res CAC.

Very Cute Clementine v.d. Tortelduif, intermediair class female, 1 EXC.


Upbeat Moira v.d. Tortelduif, open class female, 1 EXC, res CAC.

Upbeat Chloè v.d. Tortelduif, open class female, 2 EXC.



RamblingLucy v.d. Tortelduif, champion class female, 1 EXC.


Judge Mrs K. Sneath, (au) thank you for thinking so highly of our hounds!
Needless to say we are very proud! A very big thank you to our lovely team, Anouck van Ooijen, Joeke van Zoelen, Claudia Oudenaarden, Lisa Dior, Teamwork makes the dream work!

lovely pics by Jos van Oostrum, Joeke van Zoelen, Clemens Bosman

Mechelen- St. Rombouts Trophy  19-8-2023

Mechelen- St. Rombouts Trophy 
Very proud of brother and sister Trojan Huckleberry v.d. Tortelduif, and Thinking of Annie v.d. Tortelduif!

Huck: Championclass male, 1 EXC, BOS CAC CACIB

Annie: Open Class female, 1 EXC, BOB CAC CACIB


Best COUPLE/Brace in show!!!


Breed Judge Mr. B. Scheerens, Thank you for thinking so highly of both hounds!
Brace Judge Mw. Eva de Winne, Thank you for thinking so highly of Annie and Huck!
Anouck van Ooijen and Lisa Dior, great job, very proud of you both, as always!

Annie van Denderen ❤


Lovely results at Dogshow Rotterdam! 5-8-2023

Lovely results at Dogshow Rotterdam!
Very Cute Clementine v.d. Tortelduif, intermediair class female, 1 EXC, res CAC


Thinking of Annie v.d. Tortelduif, open class female, 1 EXC, BOB CAC


Judge Mw. A. Gielisse, thank you for thinking so highly of Annie and Clem!
thank you Anouck van Ooijen and Joeke van Zoelen great job today, well done!

Fun and games for all! 29-7-2023

Ik ga op vakantie en ik neem mee….
Fun and games for all!
Update: neeeee we gaan niet weg, het waren leuke oefeningetjes met allerlei afleiding. Vroeger, vroegah, was er een geheugenspel, dat heette, ik ga op vakantie en ik neem mee….maar dat kent niemand meer..