CAC Wieze 26-5-2024

We had a great day at CAC Wieze!

Trojanhuckleberry v.d. Tortelduif, championclass male 1 EXC, BOS, Hopkoning 2024

We love Mae Mobley v.d. Tortelduif, puppyclass female 1 VP, Best Puppy.

Upbeat Moira v.d. Tortelduif, Championclass female, 1 EXC, BOB, Hopkoningin 2024, Hopkeizerin 2024.

And Moira finished the day in style by winning BOG 2!
Breed and group judge Mrs. Doris Getzinger (at), thank you for thinking so highly of our hounds!
Lisa Dior and Daniëlle van Ee-Muijen, a good day for all, thx for all your help and all the laughs! And really happy for my dear friend Renate de Geit, she also had the best results today!